It's Time to Rethink Some of These Outfits.According to a recent NFLJerseys fan opinion poll, our very own Baltimore Orioles have the best apparel in major league baseball. Therefore, it led me for you to ponder how the Ravens' threads would stack up against the competition from the NFL. Personally I do, the truth is, believe the Ravens have some of the higher looking uniforms in the league, I am also a huge enthusiast of the Oakland Raiders classic sterling silver and black look as well as the Seahawks more modern threads courtesy of Nike. How would you guys rank the NFL Jerseys of today's NFL?For about five minutes last year, your NFL's switch to Nike uniforms came with the idea that, just maybe, this would mean a revamp for some from the league's lesser designs. But due to the fact every NFL decision-maker's job is always to make football as little enjoyable as possible, the Jerseys were introduced, and nothing had transformed.

This year, Minnesota, Jacksonville, as well as Miami all underwent several tweaks, but mostly, it's numerous same. For some teams, any resistance to change is clear. The Steelers have had critically the same uniform for 40 years, and if anyone tried earning any wholesale changes to the Bears' cycling jerseys, I would almost guarantee any riot. That type of traditions doesn't go for everyone, though, there are some teams that really would use a change. As always, cue adventerous users.

This Patriots redesign was handed along by reader Jorge coming from Anaheim, who came across it on this Reddit thread.

Tags:2013 Nike New Jerseys,NFL Jerseys